One of the most prestigious and awaited gala events at the St. Carmel is 'UTKARSH – The Annual Prize Distribution Function', held every alternate year St. Carmel endeavors to keep the students motivated and articulated. For this reason only, each major event is given a name. The name of each event is pinnacle, ascendance. The word fills the students and individuals with a desire to strive for excellence and the supreme in whatever they do or pursue. When an individual or an organization is at its height, it is at its most successful, powerful and prosperous stage. Title inspires the individuals to slog all their energy, intensity, thought and effort into one goal or mission they set for themselves. Then only an individual, an institution or a nation can reach its summative Utkarsh.
Utkarsh is always oriented around a theme. Utkarsh 2012 had a theme 'One Stage, One Vision' for all eminent international leaders representatives from different parts of world are invited and hosted at St. Carmel. These leaders support and commemorated the vision and philosophy of St. Carmel students of St. Carmel School disguised as eminent world leaders and presented the show. The event was a huge success in terms of performance, items, presentation etc.

Utkarsh – 2014 saw a mega show in the form of 'Comedy Heights with Carmelians' which celebrated the most successful comedy show. The Comedy Nights with Kapil. The hosts who compressed the show surprised the audience. Legendary Mr. Sidhu i.e. Mr. Amrit Singh, Legendary Kapil i.e. Mr. Manpreet Singh stole away hearts. Memory of naughty and comic characters Dadi and Palak which were actually played by boys, must still be fresh in many minds. The get ups performance dialogue, compeering all were superb. Heart touching Punjabi Play "Heer Aakhdi' was one of the most memorable performances.
Utkarsh – 2016: Transported to yet another level was the show. Odyssey to the Nature's. The whole show was based on the profound opulence and benevolence of nature, cruelty of humans and retaliation of nature if man did not put a stop to his unthinkable exploitation of nature.
The most memorable characters were Bargad Dada enacted by Mr. Mohit Sharma, Prakriti enacted by Ms. Amandeep Kaur and many more.

The Utkarsh is always an event which brings to forefront, best of the talents of the institutions. Students look forward to performing at this event and put in their best to give an outstanding performances.