The school has taken efforts to introduce Activity Books for kindergarten and primary sections. This is an add on to the curriculum that is in structure. The books focus on a much wider range of topics that are used in routine by kids. These aid to improve understanding through the help of pictures, quick puzzles, connecting stories, etc.

The Spoken English Sessions are specifically added in the curriculum for all classes. However, high stress is laid on the same in the senior wing who are then made to develop on the usage of grammar and vocabulary through modes like newspaper and book reading, poetry, debates, on spot speeches, real time acts.
In order to promote Reading, a programme is initiated in St. Carmel School, under which it will be compulsory for your child to read one book in each Formative Assessment, that is, the child will be reading 4 books in a year. The record of these books should be maintained in their English-I notebooks along with the summary, author name and title of each book.
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