In modern technology driven environment full with technology savvy. Individuals certain aspects of life have been undetermined. Creative pursuits like clay modeling, best out of waste dramatics, interactive plays with age mates, outdoor games in natural lap have been long last. Education can never be wholesome without holistic development of a child. School club provide a supportive and stimulating environment for students and staff. They encourage all students to reach their full potential as independent learners and develop a positive attitude towards team work and shouldering a specific responsibility in parts so as to become an integral and useful member of a team.
The concept of school clubs gives an opportunity for adaptation to life in group, enhances spirit to volunteer for a cause and allows an opportunity to students to explore & display their talents. School clubs offer best platform for students to have their skills. The SCS calendar is packed with exciting activities and competitions involving debates declamations, elocutions, role plays, skits, patriotic as well as religious songs and dances. Regular skill having activities are executed under the guidance of qualified staff members through the following clubs.
Literary & Public Speaking Club
If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives
A public speaking and effective communication skill plays a vital role in enhancing an individual's personality. Good communication skills have been rated as "Most Demanded" of the other job skills. The objective of the literary club is to develop and refine interpersonal communication skills of students by literary and public speaking club.
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Heritage Club
A nation's culture resides in the hearts and soul of the people.

A heritage club at school level create awareness and a sense of belonging among students and inculcates in young minds a pride for heritage. Heritage clubs organizes visits to different places of historical importance, seminars are organized to acquaint students with their rich cultural wealth, smart class innovation is used to show pictures of places, leaders, prophets and narrate their stories.
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Sports Club
Champions are not made in the gyms; champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, and a vision.
Apart from promoting sports as an instrument for physical and mental fitness, the objective of sports club at school is to promote camaraderie among the students.Having access to sports and games school age children develop a sense of self-esteem, healthy team work, sportsmanship and self-discipline.
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Health Club
Our body is our temple, Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.

Awareness about good health and importance of personal and public hygiene for a healthy, disease free life is the motive of Health Club.
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Dramatic Club
All the world is a stage, men and women are merely players.
As great poet and playwright Shakespeare equated the whole world to a stage & life to a "DRAMA".These lines exalted the importance of dramatics, theaters one of the best forms of visual and performing arts. Dramatics clubs an outstanding extracurricular activity gives the child freedom of being whoever he wants to be.
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Dance Club
When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.

Dance is the celebration of being in harmony with spirituality and nature, it is a synchronization of rhythm and music. The aim of dance is to develop students who are sensitive and articulate physical and verbal communicators of the visual art of dance. Through dance club, students get opportunity for healthful relaxation and recreation.
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Science Club
Science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers information.
Through science club activities in school, children develop problem solving skills and psychometric skills. Science is a vast subject even a progressive and pseudo all inclusive syllabus fails to cater to the needs of a science educator. Science club activities stimulate group participation and mobilize interest in learning science.
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Virsa Eco Club
One of the first condition of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.

Virsa Eco club allows students to be in lap of nature and appreciate the significance of natural conservation by organizing a plethora of activities like plantation Day for all students, rallies to save earth, plant more and more trees, inter house poster making competition, declamations and bookmark making competition on wetland day is an endeavor to aware students about the importance of trees.
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