St. Carmel School, Katli, Roopnagar is a C.B.S.E. affiliated, English Medium, Co-Educational Senior Secondary School. Established in April 2005, St. Carmel School is managed by Shri Guru Gorakh Nath Charitable Educational Society, Katli (Ropar). This school is private, unaided and does not receive any grant in aid from the government.
The curriculum that we use in our Classrooms is called the ‘Creative Curriculum’. Our curriculum addresses the social/emotional development, language refinement, problem solving and physical development of each student enrolled. These four areas are closely related and often overlap. Each student will be learning the important school expectations of BEING RESPECTFUL, BEING RESPONSIBLE and BEING SAFE. For our tiny tots in the Carnation Block, the goal of our program is to develop each child’s important preacademic readiness skills that are needed for success in kindergarten. Our dear students have given us the reason to smile, made us proud and helped us stay connected to a student’s life. We wish to emphasize the importance of the student period in each one’s life. While this would be remembered as the most beautiful part of one’s life, this is also the time where one would develop habits and behaviours that would decide his image as a person in society. A sincere student definitely needs to be good at time management. He would give priority to learning but at the same time gives sufficient importance to games and co-curricular activities. We encourage our students to be firm and always adhere to truth, love, justice and duty as Truth alone shall prevail “Satya Meva Jayate”.
Our students are assessed throughout the year using worksheets, written evaluations, class interactions and various co-scholastic activities. Parents, please plan to participate in all the Parent/Teacher Meetings and activities planned by your ward’s teacher.
Our teachers are always motivated to learn from their interactions with students, peers and parents so that there is no stone unturned in helping our pupils become strong competitors with their heads held high, confident alumini who are looked upto, responsible citizens who are aware of their social duties and importantly good human beings who would be children to proud parents and brothers/sisters to happy siblings.
We especially thank our teachers who ensure persistent and appropriate progress of students’ Intelligent, Emotional and Physical Quotient. They are the bearers who help our students recognize the right values.
The kind co-operation and assistance of Parents is duly regarded. Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime during the school year if you have questions or thoughts you would like to share.